Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finished with school, now working on and off on Impact Event, an Independent Title

For the infrequent updates I do post here, I'd like to say this: I'm done with school as of one month and a couple days ago. I am now on the hunt for potential positions at various studios across the country and maybe even around the world.

About Impact Event: I had worked with three other individuals on producing a game in three months' time. Given the time constraints, you can imagine the game itself is simple. The premise of the game is guiding an asteroid through a solar system to hit a target planet (whose inhabitants will be screaming in terror by the time you get there). The player is given a single axis of control, and a mouse reticule to aim with. The player collects mass and gains speed throughout the level to hopefully cause as much destruction as possible. The player slings asteroids with the left mouse button, and these gathered asteroids (if kept) add points to the player's score. The gameplay of the mass collection mechanic is to gather the mini-asteroids and add them to your potentially devastating space rock of impending doom. With each asteroid collected, the space rock grows bigger and deadlier. The next important mechanic of the game is to gain speed via gravitational boost zones surrounding planets. At this point in time, we have yet to really refine the boost zones, but they are functional as well. In the end, the player's asteroid should be massive and highly destructive.

The art assets of the game are crude, since we were primarily focused on getting the gameplay functional. A term I had coined while in school for ugly artwork but functional gameplay was "fugly", or functionally ugly. It's easy to remember since you don't want to make something pretty before it's playable.

The Game Design Document for Impact Event should be updated with our future plans soon. I hope to keep this updated a little more frequently than I typically do.

Update: I've chosen to work on another project with other individuals, so here's what I would call an early alpha build of the game:

I did the particle effects, asteroid model, and designed the turrets.

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