Sunday, May 12, 2013

Steinmetz and Hansler

Earlier today, I decided I'd work on the Steinmetz and Hansler. The Steinmetz is an electrical beam weapon that features quickly regenerating ammunition, and equally fast drain. I also finally decided to go back and make the Hansler as well, seeing as I had neglected to take care of it until recently.

Here's a screenshot!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Working on some lighting changes as well as increasing visual contrast to improve projectile visibility.

Also added a moving emissive 'pulse' to the material shown in the screenshot. It adds some level of visual differentiation and dynamics.

Currently sick, so progress is a tad slow. We've been out of commission somewhat for the past couple of weeks, so... yeah. May be adding in a new beam weapon soon, by next week's little milestone.