Sunday, May 12, 2013

Steinmetz and Hansler

Earlier today, I decided I'd work on the Steinmetz and Hansler. The Steinmetz is an electrical beam weapon that features quickly regenerating ammunition, and equally fast drain. I also finally decided to go back and make the Hansler as well, seeing as I had neglected to take care of it until recently.

Here's a screenshot!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Working on some lighting changes as well as increasing visual contrast to improve projectile visibility.

Also added a moving emissive 'pulse' to the material shown in the screenshot. It adds some level of visual differentiation and dynamics.

Currently sick, so progress is a tad slow. We've been out of commission somewhat for the past couple of weeks, so... yeah. May be adding in a new beam weapon soon, by next week's little milestone.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Project Whitehat Early Screenshots

So this is at the start of Level One, I was asked to test some different particle colors against a shadowed background and a lit background. Currently we have 8 different weapons in the game and I am to work on some weapon variants for the enemies.

We will be using a four-color scheme, blue, orange, red, and green.

Blue and orange are environmental colors, easy to decipher and read, whereas green and red are player/mob colors respectively. This will create an easy-to-decipher environment as well as distinguishable visuals that are extremely simple, but stylized.

Color Scheme: Tetrad

The team has been meeting up regularly, but making content at irregular intervals, adding to the game slowly. We are in no rush, but are very interested in continuing to nurture its development along. Overall, we plan on having a content complete game by the end of August or September, and start playtesting and polishing in October.

Narrative will be all VO's done by ourselves, and music will be done by Ghostlight.

We are hoping to get sound effects that are nearly musical in nature that match and harmonize with the game's music.